

Indonesia; " We don't need the world ! "

The story of Indonesian students in Australia. Real ...


One morning, we pick up one client at the airport. The man is old, the range of 60

years. The father is a businessman from Singapore, with the accent and bahasa melayu style, he tells his life experiences to our young. He said,

"Your country is so rich!"

Ah, the usual really denger those words. But wait.
"Indonesia does not need the world, but the world needs Indonesia," he continued.

 "Everything can be found here in Indonesia. You do not need the world!."

Simply, the lungs of the world Indonesia. Just cutting the forest in Borneo, the world would end.

World that Indonesia needs!

"Singapore is nothing, We can not be rich without Indonesia."

"Indonesia 500,000 people on holiday to Singapore every month. Can imagine the money that goes into

Our apartments are purchasing our latest Indonesian people, no matter the price is exorbitant, but it sells. Look at our hospital, all the people of Indonesia who seek treatment.Then, you know how our government kalapnya Indonesia when smoke entered the forest?

Yes, totally freaked out. Deeply felt, WE ARE NOTHING.

You know if the world rice crisis last August, including in Singapore and Malaysia? You are in Indonesia with ease mendapatkanberas. Look at your country, water everywhere, look at our country, we also buy clean water from Malaysia. I had to Borneo in order of business, because the sand contains a gem. Look shiny when the sun shines. Miners sell only Rp 3,000 / kg, to then be sold to the china factory. The factory sells

return for Rp 30.000/kg.

I see this as an opportunity. You do not realize that other countries are always afraid to

embargo on Indonesia? Yes, because your country has everything. They are afraid that if you become independent, and therefore is not embargoed. Should be, that you are the  embargo ON YOUR SELF!

Buy food from our own farmers, buy textile garments from the factories themselves. No need to import klo could produce alone. If you can be independent, able to embargo yourselves, INDONESIA WILL RULE THE WORLD! "

Please share this message so that everyone knows Indonesia, the world even though ... #

From: EWI,


2 komentar:

  1. Perlu direnungkan dong kalo gitu, ngapain ada kentang impor, garam impor, sampe batik palsu impor dari Cina segala di pasar-pasar Indonesia? Quo vadis, Indonesia? Kenapa banyak rakyat Indonesia masih sengsara, apa lagi yang di luar Jawa? :)

  2. Klo sebatas kerjasama saling menguntungkan & menghormati batas masing-masing, tak mengapa. Sang pengusaha cuma menyayangkan, mengapa negara ini begitu bergantung pada IMF, Bank Dunia, maupun negara - negara lain yang dengan mudah mampu 'menancapkan kuku' nya, sampai bisa ikut campur urusan dalam negerinya segala ...

    Pernah dengar pribahasa 'Anak ayam mati di lumbung' ? Itulah Indonesia... :(

    ( Bukannya tak ada makanan, tapi tak mampu membuka karung pembungkus, bahkan mungkin tak tahu kalau di dalamnya ada makanan ).
